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Hi there!

My name is Tobi and I'm a naughty little pug based in the very centre of Holland. I love to sleep all day and excitedly play with my owners. I'm 6 months old now and have a few pounds to put + a few centimetres to grow.

Here's my story; I previously belonged to a couple with a daughter who were expecting a second child. The wife could no longer stand the smell of me being around and there were other things going on. :-( I was put up for adoption and within a day or two a couple 20 minutes away came to see me and adopted me! 

I was super nervous at first and far too rambunctious. I never got fed on a schedule or the proper amounts, neither was I walked on a regular basis. My new owners quickly changed all that and within a week I adjusted and felt a lot better. Now don't get me wrong my previous owners loved me to bits but weren't offering me what I really needed.  

My new owners found out I came from a puppy mill in Hungary. I was then sold on to a puppy broker in the south of Holland who then sold me to my previous owners. I feel fine and the vets that have inspected me have declared me to be totally healthy. Due to the fact that I'm probably not a properly bred pug puppy my snout is longer than those fancy pugs and my stance is narrower which is hopefully better for my patellas! 

I actively post on instagram so if you want more frequent photo/ video updated go follow me there :-) 

If you have any questions don't hesitate to comment below! x

Toodles x
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